Tuesday, October 16, 2012


Here I sit, so much unwrit ...

But! I'm going to focus on the positive. This is my new mantra, my new philosophy, my new self. Glass half full, baby. Hell ... glass all-the-way full.

It would be absurd to pretend that there's not a long road ahead. Indeed, so much is yet unwritten. (What up, Natasha Bedingfield!: Unwritten) But this means that it all is yet to be determined--and by me. Where else do I have this kind of control? Only in my dreams.

Writers are lucky. They build their own worlds, populate these worlds, determine the joys and catastrophes in these worlds. Let me change that: "Writers are lucky. WE build OUR own worlds, populate these worlds, determine the joys and catastrophes in these worlds." Even an academic book, with all of its restrictions, is mostly open for the filling, like a great pie crust. (See! I just created a pie-crust world!)

Time to start making that filling.

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